Saturday, April 09, 2011

Some Randoms

Here are some random cute pictures from the past month. Enjoy!

Lounging around with Caroline on a Saturday morning

Gossip time at church with Addison and her friend Ellie

Nolan....he is getting so big!  What a cutie :)

Addison's fish face

Fun with Great Grandpa!  This is Addison's new funny smile.

Addison had lots of fun with Great Grandpa!

Clapping in baskets

Addison has been really curious about looking outside lately.  This is how I would find the poor girl many times trying to watch what was going on in the world.  Not very comfortable.

Now we have a stool and turned over pot so that they can both get up higher and look outside.  They love watching squirrels, cars and trains go by.

Giving each other a cute is that!

This is the face we now get from Caroline when we say "smile" and she sees the camera. 

1 comment:

Elsa Johnson said...

haha...those are some good ones!