Friday, March 28, 2008

What to write......

As a lot of you may or may not know already that my Grandma, Gloria Erickson, passed away March 19th in the morning. I have been wanting to write a post about it but that is just the thing, what can I write that will give justice to what my Grandma has meant to me? I am blessed to have a wonderful family on both my mom and dad's side of the family. While I have not been able to see my mom's side as much as my dad's they are still a cherished part of my life. It seems like life should not go on but yet it does and as my grieving continues so do my daily routines. It just does not seem right. It seems like the world should stop in respect for my Grandma.

Some of you may not know that my Grandma was the healthiest of all my Grandparents. I just found out that she had not been to the hospital for 49 years which makes the circumstances that surround her death that much more questionable. I know in these sudden and unexpected situations people ask why as if they have been dealt some bad hand playing cards. For some reason I don't feel that way and feel peaceful about what has happened. I have faith where I know everything happens for a reason and I trust that God knows what He is doing. That still does not make it hurt less though.

She had just turned 83 and she lived a wonderful full life. Her and my Grandpa's 60th anniversary would have been this summer. Even though it was sudden I still had a chance to see her one last time in the hospital and to let her know I love her. Not everyone gets that chance and am thankful for that. She will be greatly missed by many people.

I just wanted to thank everyone who has been thinking and praying for our family and specifically my Grandpa during this time. He is doing better and is back home from the hospital. May my Grandma live forever in our memories and hearts.

Friday, March 14, 2008

I just returned from a trip out to Colorado with Annie, Britta and Leah to visit our friends Lori, Bethany and Lisa. The main reason we went was to meet Lisa and Joel's baby, Isaiah. I can't believe we are old enough to start families. Crazy!

We had to do some non baby stuff so we played some pool
Lisa, the pool shark, enjoying her night on the town with the girls

We took a tour of the Odell Brewery