Friday, October 30, 2009

31 Week Update

Look, I'm still pregnant!! And boy do I look it!

Well there is not much to report other than some new numbers which is a good thing. I had a Dr. appt this past Monday and as of then I had not dilated more than 1cm so that is great. The bed rest is working. I was measuring 38 weeks so I will soon reach and surpass a full term single pregnancy measurement.

I had an ultrasound last week on Wednesday and Baby A was 2lbs 10oz and Baby B was 3lbs 2oz. They are right on target for that week! This past Tuesday I had a fluid check and everything looked good. Currently Baby A is head down like he/she has always been and Baby B was across the top (transverse) with his/her head on my left side. Not sure how B managed to get into that position considered prior to that B was head down on my right side. Position at this point is important because I was told that around 32 weeks is when they will most likely stay in their positions until birth. I am really really really hoping to not have a C-section so it will be interesting to see where they are at my ultrasound next Tuesday. As long as Baby A stays head down there is a good chance of delivering normally. I'm crossing my fingers!!!

There really is not much more to report. When I was put on bed rest I thought the time would go by slowly and that I would get bored a couple weeks into it. Well, I am now starting my 3rd week and not only has the time gone by quickly but I am not bored! I hope to keep this up for another 4 weeks. Thanks to everyone who has come by or checked in with me. That is partially why it is not so bad! Keep the visits coming!!!

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