With more ultrasounds come more pictures :) Here are a few of my favorite.
Baby B: looks like we might have a thumb sucker
Baby A's profile. So cute!
Well there has been an interesting, but not unexpected, turn of events. I had my regular Dr. appt this past Monday. The stats are that I have gained 16 pounds (that is total pregnancy weight gain) and I am measuring 34cm so that is 5 1/2 weeks ahead. Every visit I get checked for dilation and so far I have not been dilated...until now. It was discovered that I am dilated 1cm. While I am not shocked because it is to be expected and completely normal with twins at this point of the pregnancy I was still hoping this would not have started this early. So my Dr. sent me down to the labor and delivery unit where I laid in bed while being monitored for contractions for over 3 hours. I actually was never told whether I was having contractions or not (I am guessing not) but everything was fine and I was able to leave.
On Wednesday I had my regular ultrasound appt with the specialist. This was the one where they check the amniotic fluid levels and everything looked good. The tech ended up calling my OB and it was decided that because I was already dilating that I should spend the rest of my pregnancy on bed rest. I was told I could go to work the rest of the day to wrap things up but it was to be my last day. I was definitely not sad to hear that! I wrapped things up at work and feel good about how I left them. Since I knew it was a good possibility I would be put on bed rest at some point I had already spent a lot of time doing such things as writing procedures and organizing everything that I was responsible for. It is definitely weird to know that I am done working a 9-5 desk job but it is a much welcomed change.
Bed rest is really not that bad. Of course I say this at the beginning of it. I have put off a bunch of projects that I knew would be good to do on bed rest just in case. It is also not as restrictive as it could be. I can get up and down to use the bathroom, take a shower, get food, go up and down stairs occasionally, drive to appts and so on. I also don't have to be lying down all the time. I can be sitting up in a reclined position with my feet up too. I now have weekly Dr. appts, weekly ultrasounds and I plan on going to church still so that is 3 times a week that I will be out and have a change of scenery. Also, my ultrasounds are at Glenbrook hospital which is just down the street from my Grandparents where my sister, brother-in-law and nieces happen to live right now so I plan on hanging out there for a while every week. It is funny to me when people feel sorry for me because of being put on bed rest but really I am happy to have this time to refresh myself and rest. I know that my life will be so chaotic when the babies are born that I am truly trying to soak in this time of peace.
So I hope that this bed rest will keep the babies cooking until at least Thanksgiving. If we can make it beyond then that would be even better! So please pray that the babies keep on growing and it really is easy so far being on bed rest because I know I am doing the best thing I can be doing for them.
So here the 3 of us are at 29 weeks and 1 day....every day counts!!!
So here the 3 of us are at 29 weeks and 1 day....every day counts!!!
Well I will definitely be praying for you, Scott, and your little babies! Enjoy this rest for sure!
Once again, you have such an awesome attitude! That would be strange to know that you will be done working in a few short hours before you actually leave (I'm trying to imagine it), but nice to know that you can try and get as much rest and peace as possible in these last few weeks before the babies come. Here's hoping that those little peanuts just can't get enough of mommy's warm belly and want to hang out in there together several more weeks! :)
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