Friday, January 08, 2010

One Year Anniversary and One Month Old

This past Sunday, January 3rd, Scott and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary! We celebrated by reminiscing about our wedding and honeymoon on our way to church and then having our annual family progressive dinner. So we were basically with people all day. We were able to squeeze in a quick lunch with just the 4 (ha!) of us between church and the progressive dinner though. We will actually be celebrating on my birthday (the 22nd) when we can have my parents babysit and go out for a nice dinner just the 2 of us.

People don't usually have a baby, let alone two, during their first year of marriage but I would not have it any other way. We had a great first year even though I was pregnant for most of it. Scott is a wonderful husband and now a wonderful father. What more could I ask for? I am looking forward to many more years to come. Love you Scott!!

On a different note....

The girls are already a month old!! Time really does fly. It has been a lot of fun getting to know Addison and Caroline this past month. We will have their current weights in a week when we go in for their one month check-up but for now we can tell you that they are still wearing preemie clothes (though they have grown out of the smallest brand) and they are still in newborn size diapers. They should outgrow both soon.

Here is Addison the day she was born

Here she is one month old. (Sorry the picture is a bit blurry)

Here is Caroline the day she was born

and one month later

The girls have certainly become plumper which is a great thing since that means they have put on weight!! I would guess that Addison is 6 pounds and that Caroline is 7 pounds. They may be 7 and 8 pounds by the time we have the appointment next week.
Right now we are enjoying them sleeping in 4 hour stretches at night and Caroline has the cutest whimper. Addison loves to sleep on your chest while Caroline either likes to be held away from your chest while being bounced or being held in the burping position (the position on your lap not your chest).
We are looking forward to when they will begin smiling at us and making more noises.

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