Thursday, May 17, 2007

Cicadas seem to be a very hot topic these days especially with their arrival day looming in the near future. I, for one, am extremely NOT excited for the cicadas to come. Here are some pictures that I found to just help us get into the mindset of when they come, which is supposedly May 22, next Tuesday!

I heard on the radio that there is 1.5 million cicadas per acre! That seems to be a ridiculously huge amount for such a small area. We'll see if that really is the case. I hope not.
My mom told me a story of the last time they were here when I was 8. We were going into town together and I happened to be holding a cicada in my open palm. She asked me what I was doing with it and I told her I was taking it for a walk. I highly doubt I am going to be taking cicadas on a stroll this time around. I am pretty sure I will just be freaking out because flying insects scare me. I have joked about tying a piece of string around the leg of one and having it fly over my head in circles but that seems a bit cruel and I would have to hold it. Yuck! Clearly, I'm am not excited. Can you tell? Just thought I would share.

Anyone have any stories that they can remember of the last time they were here 17 years ago?


Stacy Peterson said...

Eww-These pictures frighten me even more! I remember being at the zoo and getting one stuck in my hair- I freaked out!!!

The Process said...

I remember being at church and having them totally crunch as I walked in the parking lot. Yum!

Melissa said...

i. hate. cicadas. don't care if they're harmless, don't care if they "only" come out once every 17 years. and if they ruin my ravinia season, i'll be even more peeved! stupid critters.