This winter has been so mild and that has been great! Early January we headed to the park on one of the more mild days. When I say mild, I still am talking about the 40's so we had to bundle up a bit. Addison and Caroline loved that we were able to spend some time outside.
Addison swinging with daddy
Addison again. Love her eyes. Caroline's eyes too :)
We finally got a significant amount of snow mid-January. I was eager to get them outside to see if they would enjoy it. They LOVED their pockets on their snow pants. Here they are being silly :) They can be such goofballs. Addison is in the lighter snow pants and Caroline is in the darker pink.
Addison was not so sure
Caroline liked it a bit more right away
Scott taking Addison for a sled ride
She liked the snow much more from under the overhang where it was not blowing in her face. Can't blame her for that!
Addison watching the snow
Afterwards they loved running in the hallway for a bit once all their snow gear was off. This is actually an activity that they do often. Normally they bring out balls with them and play "hallway soccer." Here they are giving each other a high five!
They actually did not really enjoy their time out in the snow too much but it was understandable since it was windy and still snowing. I was a bit too anxious to get them out there. The next day we went back out once it had stopped snowing and they had a much better time. Scott and I were even able to have fun sledding down this little hill next to our parking lot. Playing in snow was a big success.